TaimenCode: 99932378

Price: 1.09 EUR
(~8.01 CNY)Available in stock, Shipment: 24hTaimenTackle Spin Fishing > Waders, Wading Boots > Wading AccesoriesCNY

Taimen Tungsten Studs

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Tungsten studs for wading boots. wide thread of studs holds very good to the soles. Use electric wrench to mont studs. We recommend 8-14 studs for one sole. Price for 1 piece.
Tungsten studs for wading boots. wide thread of studs holds very good to the soles. Use electric wrench to mont studs. We recommend 8-14 studs for one sole. Price for 1 piece.

Model: Taimen Tungsten Studs

Photo Model Description


1- stud Code: 10074440 Taimen Tungsten Studs
1.09 EUR
(~ 8.01 CNY)

Key Code: 10074439 Taimen Tungsten Studs
1.79 EUR
(~ 13.15 CNY)