EastabogaCode: 1779

Price: 154.89 USDAvailable in stock, Shipment: 24hTaimenTackle Spin Fishing > Landing NetsUSD

Boga Grip

Boga Grip - oryginal
Specialist, selftightening handle for picking up larger fish. The fish caught by the jaw can be quickly and safety towed.

- extremely practical in towing the largest fishes.
- small size and weight.
- completely resistant to corrosion and salt water.
- special wrist loop to prevent ripping Boga Grip from hand.
- non-slip grip.

Boga Grip - oryginal Specialist, selftightening handle for picking up larger fish. The fish caught by the jaw can be quickly and safety towed. - extremely practical in towing the largest fishes. - small size and weight. - completely resistant to corrosion and salt water. - special wrist loop to prevent ripping Boga Grip from hand. - non-slip grip.

Size: Boga Grip

Photo Size Description


15-Lbs Code: 10051779  
154.89 USD